$6,600.00 USD

 Please Read Disclaimer, Membership, Cancellation


I agree: Kari Caldwell and Kari C. LLC & co-contributors provide an initiatory process for spiritual training, as such there are no guarantees other than to have the opportunity to know and experience yourself from a spiritual perspective. This program is not designed to treat or diagnose any psychological disorders. If you have any mental health issues please consult with your medical practitioner before joining the program. It requires breaking through old patterns and ways of being – an initiatory process that can feel uncomfortable. Our work affects many levels (mental and emotional), is rigorous and may not be for those who suffer from mental disabilities, depression, or have suicidal episodes.

Each client is responsible for their own actions and boundaries. Kari C. LLC and its founder(s) & co-contributors are not, and will not, be held liable for any assumed damage that is deemed to occur at any time. Clients must accept that all knowledge is given in good faith. Initiates must understand that they are entering into training in a pioneer field and all such training is given in good faith to the highest known safety standards or perceived practices within this discipline.

I understand this program is not therapy. I understand this program is based on setting goals and learning and implementing the tools necessary for achievement and my results will be based upon what I am willing to put into the trainings outside of time spent with Rev. Kari.

Significant time, literal energy, and clearing work is invested in preparing for each session, long before we ever start our session. 

I understand due to the amount of work, clearing, and running energy that if I choose a payment plan, all monies are due  regardless of my ability to fulfill my ability to show up for scheduled sessions or fulfill my responsibilities to participate. 

I understand there are no refunds for monies paid.

Cancellation Policy: I understand 24 hrs. must be provided for cancellation of 1-1 consultations. I understand there are no refunds for monies paid.

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Schedule your Appointment with Destiny

Ready to launch into something completely new, but need clarity on where to start and how to get momentum going? The Incubator is your answer. Combining the best of the Starseed and Coherence Consultations the Incubator is for those looking for a jumpstart! In the Incubator you'll experience an energetic container that will hold you for an 8 week period, to help you establish a new, empowered relationship to your furutre self through your STARSEED BLUEPRINT (the energy that holds your specific codes for creating the life you're destined to live.) The Blueprint is "not out there" but embedded deep within the libraries of your DNA. As Metatron teaches, we fulfill our destiny by transmitting these codes into our everyday reality.

Includes personal guide to support you on your journey.

8 weeks INCUBATOR including coding and attunement sessions and future channeled self

2xper week 1 live and 1 recorded

1) Read Disclaimer & Terms of Agreement and Remit payment
2) If we don't have a time scheduled, please schedule via link (for in person session please contact Rev. Kari directly).
3) Listen to the Unveiling Meditation at your convenience
4) Schedule a follow up call to your consultation via link provided in email

Sessions are currently held through zoom or phone only.

For cancellations, you have 24hrs after booking, then no refunds are issued for one on one sessions OR packages including the Incubator. Please be sure to read the how-to prepare section for your session. All communications must be documented in your account, please be sure to create an account on this website in order to change or discuss your upcoming session.

 It is no accident your found your way here and I can't wait to connect! After countless one-on-one sessions I've come to recognize that there are forces far beyond you and me that are bringing us together at this time. I consider our time together to be an appointment with destiny that was written in the stars long before we connected in this lifetime. ;) And I can't wait to get to watch you get the results you know you are destined to get!